For your reading pleasure: CAHSLA Chronicle, October 2024 No. 165

Welcome to the latest issue of the CAHSLA Chronicle!

After decades of serving as editors of the Chronicle, Barbarie Hill and Lisa McCormick have passed the baton to Jim DaMico and Emily Kean. In addition to new editors, the Chronicle also has a new online home: Extensive work has already been completed to create back-ups of decades of Chronicle posts from Blogspot and our print archives, which are now accessible in WordPress on our website.

As always, anyone can send news, updates, or articles on projects, presentations, etc. for inclusion in the Chronicle to Jim or Emily.

In this issue:

President’s Page, Secretary and Treasurer Reports
CAHSLA Colleague Updates
Cincinnati Children’s History Walk

and more!

President’s Page

I hope you all have December 11th marked on your calendars for the annual party. This year’s gathering will have something for everyone, so be on the lookout for details! The executive committee also has begun planning for the workshop meeting and other celebrations. We hope to have an informative, active, and fun CAHSLA year. 

I am grateful to serve as CAHSLA President, with assistance from the indispensable executive committee. As someone who is still relatively newish to health science librarianship, I truly appreciate the support and friendship in the CAHSLA community.  

Lynn Warner, President 

Secretary’s Report

CAHSLA Annual Membership Meeting

10/10/24, 5:30-6:30pm

In attendance: Matthew Cooper, Jim DaMico, Alex Herrlein, Emily Kean, Amy Koshoffer, Abrams Pari, Lynn Warner

The Annual Membership Meeting was held at Lloyd Library. 

There was a discussion of moving the Chronicle to WordPress. Jim is helping with the Chronicle and has already moved over past articles.

Matthew notified attendees that CAHSLA has a new LinkedIn group which will serve as an additional place to receive updates. Emails will still be sent, but we know there are sometimes issues with emails being received.

Lynn asked attendees to save the date for our holiday party on December 11th. She also noted that we have a robust year of programming being planned.

Lynn introduced the new executive council:

President – Lynn Warner

Vice President – Matthew Cooper

Secretary – Karen Whyte

Treasurer – Emily Kean

The meeting concluded with a round-robin of attendees.

Respectfully submitted by Karen Whyte, Secretary

Treasurer’s Report

CHECKING BALANCEas of 12/08/2023:$2,122.87
CHECKING DEPOSITS9 Memberships$225.63
CHECKING WITHDRAWALSSummer Picnic Park Reservation$50.00
Summer Picnic Food$229.50
Web Domain Renewal$35.98
CHECKING BALANCEas of 10/11/2024:$2,033.02
CASH BALANCEas of 12/08/2023:$160.00
CASH DEPOSITS4 Memberships$100.00
CASH WITHDRAWALSMembership Meeting ($107.06)$50.00
CASH BALANCEas of 10/11/2024:$210.00
TOTAL ASSETSas of 10/11/2024:$2,282.87


11 Regular (Paid)

0 Student (Paid)

13 Life Members


Respectfully submitted by Emily Kean, Treasurer

Cincinnati Children’s History Walk 

The Cincinnati Children’s History Walk for the Burnet Campus launched on October 10, 2024, bringing to life decades of work of thousands of employees who have positioned us to be the leader in child health.

Laura Werts, Pratt Library director, was inspired after learning about the Boston Children’s Hospital History Trail from their archivist in 2019. Laura brought the idea to the History Committee and Kevin Proffitt, Archivist at the time began research into developing a history walk here.  

As the first full time Archivist, I was able to devote more time to planning and outreach across multiple departments to ensure a successful outcome. 

Over 20 employees were involved, and they came from Design-Construction-Space Management, Marketing and Communications, Creative Services, Language Access Services.  

Early on, we also aimed to make the experience inclusive–in line with our DEI commitment. We engaged Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Employee Resource Groups, Family Relations and the Family Advisory Council to make it accessible to those with mobility challenges and available in the three languages–English, Spanish and Arabic.  

The walk features 14 stops for employees. You can download a PDF of the map in the three languages from History Walk. It is also printed in English and available at the Welcome Desks and Family Resource Center. You can begin the walk at any point but if you want to follow the map route, it starts at Seacrest Studio in Location D.  

Each marker has a QR code which takes you to the stop on the History Walk website. You have the option to listen to narration in English, Spanish and Arabic. Maps in all three languages are available as PDF’s. 

For more information about the Cincinnati Children’s Archives, please visit our website.

Submitted By: Jim DaMico, Archivist, Cincinnati Children’s

CAHSLA Colleagues

News You Can Use

  • We have heard over the years from numerous members that our CAHSLA listserv emails are not always received. We will continue to send all updates via email, but new this year, we are providing several other ways to receive CAHSLA updates:
    • Join and follow our new LInkedIn group
    • Subscribe to receive CAHSLA Chronicle updates directly from our webpage. From any page on our website, enter your email into the Subscribe box in the right column:

      Be sure to confirm your subscription from the email you receive.
  • The 10th annual UC Data Day was held Oct 8th. The keynote on FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) data was given by Kira Bradford, co-principal investigator and collaborator with the National Institutes of Health (NIH)  HEAL Data Stewardship Group.
  • Last summer the UC Health Sciences Library hosted a traveling NLM exhibit on the origins and roles of physician assistants: